All the information you need about your shipments from our platform
We are very happy to share this news with you. And it will change the way you track your order: much faster and easier.
What does this app allow?
Accessibility: Forget about looking for tracking numbers in emails or external links. From your profile or through a simple link to our platform you will find all the information about your shipment: status of your order, expected delivery date, company in charge of shipping and content of the order.
Intuitive interface: Simple and easy to understand design, clear and transparent information.
How to view it? We tell you in 3 steps!
- Go to: or click on "locate" from your order panel.
- Enter the order number that was sent to you and your email
- Ready! You will be able to see the status of your order in real time!
Don't forget that you have personalized customer service support! We are at your disposal at every stage of the process to clarify all your doubts.